Sunday, January 12, 2014

Guide to the Doctor Who Christmas Specials!

Continuing with our series on Season Guides, I remembered that there is always a Christmas Special before each new season starts. So I will give you a layout of all the Christmas Specials.

Season 1 Christmas Special:
"The Christmas Invasion"

In this episode, regeneration has gone wrong when the Doctor falls ill after he has regenerated! London has been invaded by aliens, and it seems it will take a Christmas miracle for the people of the world to be saved.

Season 2 Christmas Special:
"The Runaway Bride"

After an upsetting separation, the Doctor is faced with an unusual problem: a bride has been  mysteriously transported to the TARDIS! So you wonder, what does an alien spider, a sassy bride, and a TimeLord all have to do with each other?

Season 3 Christmas Special:
"Voyage of the Damned"

The Titanic crashes into the TARDIS! Well, so we think. It's a starship replica of the Titanic, and it's like a flying cruise ship. The Doctor decides to join the party and meets a beautiful waitress named Astrid. Adventure is never far from our time traveling man, though, as we see in this episode.

Season 4 Christmas Special:
"The Next Doctor"

The Doctor takes a trip to 19'th century England on Christmas Eve, and he runs into a man named "The Doctor" and his companion Rosita!

Season 5 Christmas Special:
"A Christmas Carol"

The Doctor and his companions Amy and Rory are involved in a spacey wacey version of a Christmas Carol!

Season 6 Christmas Special:
"The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe"

In World War II, a pilot's wife is left without a husband and is left to support two children on Christmas. Years before, she helped out a curious spaceman and he promised to repay her for her kindness. So when this widow takes her children to a relatives' mansion for Christmas, what will happen when the Doctor is the caretaker, and he gives her children a magical gift?

Season 7 Christmas Special:
"The Time of the Doctor"

In this episode, we say goodbye to the 11'th version of the Doctor, and welcome the 12'th.


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